Page 15 - True Gospel Evangelism
P. 15
True Gospel vs other gospels
The false teaching that salvation was only effec-
tive if one is circumcised was a carry-over of
“the Jews’ religion.” The “Jews’ religion” is not
to be mistaken with the Old Testament service
given to the nation of Israel by God.
God had given the commandments and ordinances of the Old Testament to teach the
people they were sinners and to show them that they had a need of a Savior and only
through the work of that Savior would they be made righteous. By the time Christ
came and established the church kingdom, the Jews, especially the sect of the Phari-
sees had perverted the old law covenant to make it a system to establish their righ-
teousness through the individuals keeping of the law. It was never designed for that.
In the 10th chapter of Romans Paul prayed that they might be delivered from going
about trying to establish their own righteousness and submit their selves to the righ-
teousness of God.
The theme of the book of Galatians is primarily to deliver the churches of Galatia
from the error of trying to establish ones righteousness through the keeping of a set of
rules. If you had asked these Pharisaical Jews in the church if they believed in salva-
tion by grace, they would have no doubt said “yes, but you must be circumcised.”
This is what I call the “yes, but doctrine.” The same theme is carried forth in most
denominational churches today. If you ask them if they believe if salvation is by
grace, they will almost all of them say yes, but...
Some say, “you are saved by grace, but you must hear the gospel and believe.”
Others say, “you are saved by grace, but you must hear the gospel and believe and
accept the Lord as your personal savior.” Still others say, “you are saved by grace,
but you must believe, accept the Lord as your personal savior and be baptized in
water.” Still others say, “salvation is by grace, but you must
hear and believe and accept and be baptized and pray through
and get the second gift and speak in tongues.” There are still
many, many other similar type belief systems in the denomina-
tional world. They all have the same theme and that is “you are
saved by grace, but…"