The Consequences of Doctrine |
All the Elect will Hear and
Obey the Gospel
There is a doctrine in the world promoted by some
that states all the elect will hear and obey the gospel at some
point in their lifetime, and they further contend that those who
hear and obey and later “fall away” were never really elect in
the first place.
Here are some of the consequences of such a
doctrine: |
The doctrine maintains the elect WILL hear and by that hearing come into
possession of eternal life. While it is denied by those teaching it, in
truth, that makes it little more than gospel regeneration for the
By implication, the gospel is more powerful than the life-giving voice
of the Son of God.
Here are the certain consequences of this doctrinal stance:
a) If all the elect must hear, then events and circumstances must be
ordained to orchestrate the preaching of the gospel to them that MUST
hear. How many steps until you are forced to accept the non-biblical
doctrine of absolute predestination of all things?
b) The elect cannot die naturally until they have heard (and in at least
some small part, obeyed) the gospel.
c) The need for organized missions becomes imperative.
d) The support and financial requirements for these missions would also
push an under-funded assembly towards a doctrine of tithing.
e) Missions, money and attempting to preach the gospel to al the elect
in all races, in all lands, in all time periods now create a situation
where the job of salvation is on man’s efforts and you effectively have
a works system.
e) When you have failed to reach the sinner with the gospel or he fails
to respond accordingly to it, then you must judge him as non-elect by
your very doctrine, and in so doing, have created a horrible situation
wherein you are judging whether another’s name is in the lamb’s book of
The truth of the scriptures is clear. The Lord knoweth them that are
His. He knew them before the foundation of the world, knew they would
require redemption in this lifetime, and provided a way of salvation
through His son. Since he knows them from eternity past, and loved them
while they were yet enemies, we know He alone can provide redemption,
salvation, reconciliation and that none of it is by the preaching of the
word. He alone opens the ears to hear and grants eternal life. The
truth is some of the elect may live and die in this lifetime, secure in
heaven, having never heard the name of Jesus Christ.