Jesus, the
Church's Husband
In Is. 54:5 we read,
"For thy Maker is thine husband; the Lord of
hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of
Israel; The God of
the whole earth shall he be called." As we have
before shown Jesus is
our Maker, our Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, and
the God of the
whole earth. Thus he is our husband. In Ephesians
chapter 5 we are
taught that the relationship between a husband and
wife is to be
patterned after the relationship between Jesus and
his bride, the
church: "Husbands love your wives as Christ loved
the church and gave
himself for it."
According to the
scriptures, the Lord's ways are not our ways, nor
his thoughts our thoughts, but as the heavens are
high above the earth so are his ways above our ways
and his thoughts above our thoughts. According to
man's ways, man seeks out the most beautiful and
desirable woman he can find who will have him and
selects her to be his bride. When the Lord selected
his bride (church) he did not select one that was
perfect, but rather as Israel of old when the Lord
entered into the law covenant with her, she was
polluted in her own blood, so also the church and
her members are sinners which have no righteousness
of their own.
According to Rom. 3:9
18 God describes the whole mass of humanity as
having no righteousness, no understanding, no
profitableness, no goodness, no fear of God, as none
seeking after God and not knowing the way of peace.
Out of this mass of humanity, the Lord chose his
bride. Furthermore, we did not choose the Lord to
enter into covenant with him, but rather he chose
According to Eph. 1:4
he chose us in Christ before the foundation of the
world and according to Rom. 9:11 this choice of a
people is according to the "election of grace." In
addition the Lord's people were under a curse as
stated in Gal. 3:10, "For as many as are of the
works of the law are under the
curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that
continueth not in all
things which are written in the book of the law to
do them."
Elder Vernon Johnson