Jesus is the Saviour
We have been looking at the titles of Jesus, and the
various ways in which they display the attributes of
Jesus Christ. And so far in our efforts to know the
“Real Jesus,” and not the Jesus of the world, we have
taken out time to view Jesus as the “Messiah” or
“Christ,” “Suffering Servant King,” as “Lord,” as the
“Son of Man,” as the “Son of God,” and as the “Word of God.” The prophet
Isaiah wrote concerning the days of confusion concerning
Christ in Isaiah 4:1 where he said, “and in that day’
(the days following Christ) ‘seven women’ (all types of
false churches) ‘shall take hold of one man,’ (Jesus
Christ) ‘saying, We will eat our own bread,’ (that is
that they will bring forth their own doctrines and
teachings, not being concerned nor satisfied with the
true doctrines and teachings of Jesus, but preferring
the doctrines and teachings of men,) ‘and wear our own
apparel:’ (they will come forth in their own self
righteousness, shunning the righteousness of Christ,)
‘only let us be called by thy name, to take away our
reproach’ (this is the only thing that they want of Him,
that is they want to use His name so that they can cover
up their shameless actions and works).
And as I said in the beginning of this series, we will
not try to look at all of the titles of Jesus and their
attributes that they display. Time and space would never
allow for such an undertaking. I’m reminded of the
statement of the Apostle John in John 21:25 where he
said, “and there are also many other things which Jesus
did, the which, if they should be written every one, I
suppose that even the world itself could not contain the
books that should be written. Amen.”
There are so many things that could be said about Jesus,
and the Old Line Primitive Baptist have been preaching
them for well over two thousand years. And there are
other titles that we will mention here that are ascribed
to Jesus. Just to mention a few, He is our “Rabbi” or
“Master,” He is the “Second Adam,” the “fullness of the
Godhead,” and He is the “Mediator between God and man.”
But there is no other title that I believe shows His
work more completely than His title as the “Saviour.”
God the Father gave Him that name in the person of the
Holy Ghost even before He was born of His natural mother
Mary. Jesus literally means “the Lord saves”
(Matt.1:21). The Holy Ghost appearing to His step father
Joseph instructed him to call His name “JESUS” The angel
Gabriel also gave these same instructions to Mary the
mother of Jesus, he said, “and, behold, thou shalt
conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt
call his name JESUS” (Luke1:31). All other titles that
we have examined up until now bring forth and ascribe to
the qualifications of Jesus to be the Saviour of His
people. There is no other person in the world who has
the credentials to offer up the atonement as our
sacrifice to God. It is only Jesus Christ as the Lamb of
God, who has come forth triumphantly as “Saviour” over
death, hell and the grave, bringing reconciliation to
God’s elect.
This is as they say, “Where the pavement meets the
road!” It’s in this title “Saviour” that we see, which
is to us, the most relevant in our lives. Especially
when we are made to see ourselves as we truly are.
Unable and unwilling to rescue ourselves from the “body
of this death.” When we look at Jesus, and we see that
He, and He alone is our one and only hope. All other
titles seem to pass away into insignificance. We may
argue about many things. Perhaps we may argue about our
religion, or maybe our various philosophies and points
of view, about our ethics and politics, but in the end
each of us is faced with one very personal issue, and
that issue is, “what do I do about my sin?”
Beloved if we are honest with ourselves, and if we will
all admit to one fact, that is that we all sin!. For the
scriptures testify that “all have sinned, and come short
of the glory of God” (Rom.3:23). When we sin, we sin
toward each other, and we sin against the holiness of a
righteous God. And to our utter shame we sin for the
most part willingly. We can deny our sin, or even deny
the very existence of God Himself. But in the end we
find ourselves to be like the Apostle Paul who cried out
saying, “O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me
from the body of this death?” (Rom. 7:24). We can go as
far as to deny our sin. And we can even go as far as to
deny the existence of God. We can claim as many today
do, that we are not accountable for our lives. We can
try to shift t he blame of our own personal sins on
someone else, like our parents, or our teachers. We can
claim that we have the human right to do whatever
pleases our flesh. We can invent for ourselves a “god”
who forgives, but only when we are willing to do our
part, or perform some other so-called righteous work or
requirement. And then we can even turn about and declare
that because of what we have done, that we, ourselves
have performed the one work that makes us acceptable to
God, going so far as to declare ourselves as CO-SAVIOURS
with Christ. But in reality all of our efforts are only
a shame and a delusion. We never stop, nor do we
understand the utter depravity of all men in the flesh,
(and especially our own flesh,) nor do we comprehend the
utter inability and unwillingness of man to recover
himself from his sinful condition. And without that
basic understanding we will never feel the need for a
real Saviour. We will never know anything about the
“Real Jesus.” And never come to the realization of the
term,“free grace.” We will never know of the love of God
for His chosen people, nor that He has loved all of His
people so much that He sent His Son as “Saviour” for
each of them without the lost of even one of them.
But there is only One who alone qualifies as “Saviour!”
Jesus Christ, and it’s Jesus alone who has the desire
through His great love for us, and He alone possesses
the ability to solve our most abysmal dilemma, bringing
us to God as our Father. It’s Jesus alone who can
proclaim, and without the aid of any mere sinful man,
“All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth”
(Matt 28:18). It’s Jesus as “Saviour” who alone has the
power over life and death. Listen to Him as He declares,
“All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him
that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. For I came
down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will
of him that sent me. And this is the Father's will which
hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I
should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the
last day” (John 6:37-40).
It’s Jesus Christ of Nazareth who is “Saviour.” It’s His
title as “Saviour” that gives us hope beyond the grave.
It’s this title that will someday bring us from our
graves to be with Him in His glory. As the “Saviour,”
it’s His person and work that has fully and completely
met all of the requirements of the righteous Judge of
May God bless each of us to know and understand these
titles and their significance to our lives. Elder Thomas McDonald |