Personal Trespasses
Sometimes one
person will get their feelings hurt by the comments
or actions of another person in the church. Often
that person will harbor bad feelings or
unforgiveness toward the offending party. This
should never be. The Lord told us in Matthew
18:15-17 how to deal with personal trespasses from
fellow church members.
Before we consider
this passage however, we should ask ourselves, did
the other person really trespass against me?
Sometimes the problem lies with myself. Did I take
offense of the other person because I was wearing my
feelings on my sleeve? Or did I take offense
because I was tired and irritable and misunderstood
what the other person meant. Probably most of the
time the offending party never intended or knew that
he/she was offending by their comment/action to
another member of the church.
Once I have determined
that I believe I really have reason to be offended,
then according to the commandment of our Lord and Saviour I am to go and tell the offending church
member his/her fault between myself and
him/her alone. That means that I am not to tell
any one else about it, until I have followed thru
with the steps outlined in Matt. 18:15-17. Too
often much havoc is wrought in the church because
church members rebel against this commandment
of the Lord. When I go to the offending church
member I should go humbly and not piously accusing
the offending member, but simply laying out what was
said and why it hurt my feelings. Probably, the
vast majority of the time that will be enough to
bring about the desired result and restored
However, if the offending
party doesn’t hear me, then I am to take one or two
more church members so that in the mouth of two or
three witnesses every word may be established. Now
when I go to these “one or two more” I am not to lay
out my case to them so as to poison their mind
toward the offending member, but simply tell them
that I and the offending member have a problem that
we need their help with. Once in the presence of the
offending member then I can state my case and also
the other party can state their case. Then the
other members present can give their advice to the
two members. Usually this will be enough to
resolve the few times it ever reaches this stage.
Very rarely, after the
first two steps have been taken, then the problem
will have to be taken to the church and addressed by
the church.
Dear brothers and sisters,
this means of solving personal offenses isn’t just a
“it sure would be nice if you did things this way,”
but it is essential that we follow the commandment
of our Lord in this matter. Sometimes members of
the church will just stop going to church because
their feelings were hurt by some comment or action
of a fellow church member. To do so is a reproach
to the wisdom of our Lord and rebellion against
HIS word. One of the most poisonous things
that we can do to ourselves is to harbor hard
feelings toward our fellow church members. This
can eat at us and take away our peace for years, if
Failure to follow the
above commandment of our Lord in dealing with
personal trespasses of our fellow church members has
been one of the most hurtful things to the cause of
Christ in a local church. Let us deal
truthfully and faithfully with the commandments of
our Lord and Saviour and manifest our love toward
our fellow church members by taking good heed to
Matt. 18:15-17.
Elder Vernon