Thoughts” Elder
Thomas McDonald
Part 1
sure that most everyone would agree that September
11th., will be a day that we’ll
all remember for a long time. It has left everyone
worried about flying, riding buses. Worries about
terrorism seem to consume people’s
minds. Worries about being laid off from work,
rising fuel prices leading us down to worries about
an economic recession. And sometimes we find
ourselves listening to the radio, and what do we
listen to? We listen to those who give a picture of
the so-called eminent
of Armageddon,”
along with the coming of the Anti-Christ, and his
And what do all of
these things do to us? Right you guessed it WE
ANXIOUSLY WORRY! Beloved I wish that I could say to
you that you will never have cause to worry, but we
live in a world where there will always be things
that will try to come into our lives and attempt to
occupy our thoughts, and cause us
and “anxious
It’s the
old Devil’s
way of trying to distract us, and rob us of our joy
and peace that we have in the Church Kingdom of God.
We have to live in
the very same world as everybody else lives in don’t
we? Why I can tell that I have even known people who
spend their time worry¼worrying
about worrying! And when you get to thinking about
all of this, doesn’t
it only seem natural that we get to feeling like we
become confused and have
and don’t
know what to do next? We find ourselves looking
around for assurances that give us answers, and we
sometimes don’t
know whom to turn to for our answers. But let me say
this to you, we are
the world,”
but glory be to God dear ones, the scriptures
declares to us that
are not of the world.”
(See John15:19).
What are
How do they affect us? And what can we do about
them? First, “anxious
are thoughts that cause us to have feelings of
uneasiness, apprehension, and dread
usually about what may happen in the future.
Thoughts like, “Is
my son or daughter okay?”
“Will I be
able to make the next house payment on time?”
Or, “I
wonder if that radio preacher is right about the
world coming to an end and the coming great
In the New
Testament the English word that is used for our
is the Greek word merimnao (mer-im-nah'-o)
which means “to
worry,” and
it is translated as
in Matthew 6:25-34. It literally means to have
worrying thought.”
This is the picture that our Lord Jesus Christ
conveyed when He said,
no thought for your life.”
He was saying to us,
Child of Grace, don’t
go around all the time with anxious worrying
And the Apostle
Paul tells us,
careful for nothing.”
Look at
the word “careful”
that he uses here, it’s
the very same word merimnao (mer-im-nah'-o),
which tells us that to not take upon ourselves any
worrying thoughts!”
So to have to understand that
worrying thoughts”
are only here causing us to be preoccupied with real
or possible bad things that may or may not
happen to us. “Anxious
worrying thoughts”
is the fear that maybe we’ll
be embarrassed, maybe we’ll
suffer pain, and maybe we’ll
experience some loss, or maybe we’ll
become inconvenienced by someone or
There are two
types of worry. The first type of worry is a
negative, harmful, and crippling
anxious worry. And the second is
positive, and beneficial concern.
And the same Greek word merimnao is used to
the New Testament for each type.
The other day I
was talking to Elder Bob Bolden about this subject
he said,
of the worry that we have actually comes from God to
show us that we can’t
do everything for ourselves, and that our dependence
must come from Him.”
Brother Bob hit the nail on the head! This type of
worry can be classified as the second type.
Now the negative
in the scriptures talks to us about is that
troubling, fretting and anxious
thoughts that become a plague in our day to day
walk in life. Jesus speaks about these anxious
thoughts six times in His mountain sermon (Matt.
6). He told His disciples who took out the time to
climb up to where he was and listen to what he had
to say, not “anxiously
about their everyday cares of this life; their food,
clothing, shelter, and yes even their future! The
Apostle Peter instructs us to cast all of our
“care upon Him,”
why? because “He
careth for you.”
(1 Pet. 5:7).
In Phil. 2: 20,
Paul was
about the welfare of the brethren at the church at
Philippi (which as we have already seen is the
second positive type of worry,) when he uses these
words, “For
I have no man likeminded, who will naturally care
for your state.”
The word “care”
is the same word merimnao. This good type of
encourages us into loving involvement
for the sake of our brethren. To have concern
for others is this positive kind of worry
that moves us to pray and to serve in their best
The crippling type
of worry is one were we attempt to carry the
load ourselves, in our own strength. We are then
moved away from that healthy concern, to an
oppressive, crippling worry where we:
sleep because we can’t
stop think about out troubles.
_ Feel guilty and
_ Feel afraid of
something most of the time.
_ Feel like
panicking in certain situations in life.
_ Refuse to look at
our feelings.
_ Find blame in
others for just about everything that happens to us.
_ Always feel a
vague unseen fear of impending disaster.
do we worry and become anxious when we
have so much to be thankful for? After all God has
given us His Son, who has already saved us and given
us the victory. It seems like, we because of these
blessings would most certainly not have anything to
worry about¼and
do worry don’t
we? And sometimes we worry before we’re
even aware of it. And again we ask ourselves why
do we worry?
Well, there are
several reasons why we worry. First and foremost is
the undeniable fact that we live in this old sinful,
imperfect flesh. We find that we’re
no better than the Apostle Peter, in Matthew
14:22-31. Here Peter and the other disciples were
instructed by the Lord to
into a ship,’
and to ‘go
before’ Him
“unto the
other side’
of the lake ‘while
He sent the multitudes away.”
And then as they were in the boat, going across the
lake He went up and prayed to His father. And while
He was praying, and they were in the middle of that
lake a storm came upon them with huge waves, and
high winds which blew
them.” And
as they were struggling against this great big storm
they looked out of the boat and saw Jesus coming
toward them¼“walking
on the sea.”
And you would think that when the disciple’s
saw Him walking on the sea that they’d
be happy wouldn’t
you? No, they were terrified and began to cry out in
And right away
Jesus spoke to them and said,
of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.”
And Peter, who was at best skeptical, said,
“Lord, if it be
thou, bid me come unto thee on the water.”
And Jesus said to him,
and Peter steeped out on the water in faith to go to
when he saw the great power of the wind, he became
afraid. Because he took his focus off of Jesus, he
thought to himself
no, I’m in
And no doubt he wondered if he would be able to
survive the situation that he found himself in.
And he began to sink!
And he cried out to the Lord saying,
save me!”
And right away “Jesus
stretched forth his hand, and caught him,”
and lifted him up out of the water, and He said to
him, O Peter “thou
of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?”
Jesus then escorted him back to the boat, and as
soon as they arrived
wind ceased.”
Peter was never in any danger at all¼the
Lord was on his side.
And we are just
like Peter, and we can see ourselves in his
experience. We worry and become anxious
because we feel like we are vulnerable. And when we’re
left alone and in our flesh we truly are justified
in these feelings. Sickness may indeed strike us.
The economy could falter and fall. Our car may break
down and leave us stranded. Someone could set off a
bomb and kill us or kill someone we love. Someone
could come up and say something very hurtful to us.
We are all frail, mortal, and sensitive human
beings. And we are all vulnerable physically,
emotionally, and spiritually. We’re
like Peter, we are all merely human flesh, and we
too are capable of drowning. So why do we worry?
Because we feel like we are vulnerable.
We worry
and become anxious because we become aware of
our vulnerability. And because we feel vulnerable
we go out and try to make our lives more secure. We
lock our homes. Drive reliable cars, and try to keep
them repaired so that they won’t
break down on us. We go to the doctor for regular
check ups. We try to take care of ourselves
physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
But try though we
might, things continue to come along that cause us
to once again to become aware of that nagging
vulnerability that we are plagued with. We become
just like Peter again, we become
of the storms of our lives.
Little things like
the motor in our car making a strange noise. One of
our children gets sick. Or we feel that strange
lump. Or maybe we hear rumors of a layoff at work.
Whatever it is, it forces us to look at ourselves
and see our weaknesses.
We worry because
the flesh cannot feel trust in God, and His
provision for us. And as children of God when we are
confronted with our vulnerability, we have a choice
to make. We can take our well being into our own
feeble hands. Or we can trust in His grace and mercy
for our timely salvation. We can know that He will
take care of our apprehensions that worry us. Look
at what happened to Peter when he tried it his way.
He was confronted with his frailty, and he lost the
use of his faith in Jesus. He couldn’t
save himself, and he, like us, began to sink.
The words that
Jesus spoke to Peter show us just how frail and
vulnerable we are, He says to all of us,
thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?”
We stop seeing Jesus, and look to ourselves. We take
our eyes off of the only One who has
power both in heaven and earth.”
We stop trusting in Christ. And when we take our
spiritual eyes off of Him we no longer feel that we
can trust Him with our lives, our feelings, or our
future. Then we have anxious worry. And
anxious worry is sin. It’s
a sin because we are taking responsibilities on
ourselves that rightly belong only to God. And in
our stubbornness we have refused to put our well
being into His strong and capable hands. And it’s
no wonder that we worry!
Beloved we Old
Line Primitive Baptist’s
know that our eternal salvation is totally in the
hands of our Sovereign, All Powerful God and Saviour
Jesus Christ. And we will never lose out on that
eternal salvation which He has so wondrously worked
out for us. But while we live in the here and now,
there are things that we are to do that will set us
free from anxious worry, which will enable us
to live in the blessings of our salvation.
We should view our
worry as being an opportunity to turn our
attention and focus to God, to trust beyond
ourselves, to be able to talk to someone who
cares for us, someone who we can cast all of our
cares on, because He cares for us.
Remember the words
of Jesus in Matthew 6: 22, He taught us that the
light of the inner body is our spiritual eye, He
said that if our eye is of a single focus on Christ
and His kingdom, that our whole body will be full of
the light of His blessings. And in doing this we
discover that He is more than able to answer our
Beloved God is in
charge. Nothing happens in this world that is beyond
His knowledge and control. Psalms 103:19 says,
LORD hath prepared His throne in the heavens; and
His kingdom ruleth over all.”
And in Psalms 67: 7 we read, that
ruleth by His power.”
He is sovereign over all things.
When we worry, we
have the feeling that things are out of control.
Like something terrible is about to happen, and we’re
unable stop it. When we have these anxious
thoughts and worries we need to remember
three important truths about God.
1) God is everywhere present and nowhere
(Psa. 139:7; Jer. 23:23-24). There is no place that
we can or ever will go that He is not there with us.
No matter how alone we may feel, the fact is, He is
always there. So we can be certain that we are never
2)God knows everything that there is to know.
(Job 7:20; Psa. 33:13). He knows everything about
us. He knows exactly how afraid we are, and what we
are afraid of. He knows how sad we become, and what
it is that scares us too. The more that we are
fearful the more we are tempted to act as if God
were ignorant of the situation that we find
ourselves in. We don’t
know what the future holds, but God does. He sees
the beginning and the ending.
3) God is all-powerful.
(Gen. 17:1; 18:14; Matt. 19:26; 28:18). When we
worry we feel like no one can stop the bad things
that might happen to us. Yes, when we
worry we even feel like God can’t
possibly care for us in our troubles and
cares. But remember God has unlimited power,
mercy and grace. The question that we need to be
asking is, “Is
any thing too hard for the LORD?”
(See Gen. 18: 1-14.)
is more than able to carry each and every one of our
burdens. The cares and worries of our lives that
weigh on us so heavily can be placed on His loving
shoulders. He gave young David the grace kill a
bear, a lion, and even an uncircumcised Philistine
giant named Goliath. He watched over David even
through the murderous rages of Saul. David said that
God kept him
the apple”
of His eye,”
and that He hid him
the shadow of”
of His protective
(Psa. 17:8). And in Psalms 55:22 it is written,
thy burden upon the LORD, and He shall sustain thee:
He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.”
What a wonderful blessing to know and believe these
truths that are written here for our benefit.
But how do we give our burdens and worries to God?
How can we place them on His shoulders and leave
them there with Him? The only way that we can do it
is to trust and believe in Him who gives us our
strength, the strength to act on what we know to be
true. For example we know that He is an all
powerful, trustworthy God. We know that He is more
than able, and that He will care for us.
When we worry and become anxious, we hold
ourselves back from trusting Him for His
provision. We are putting ourselves in His place, we
are saying to ourselves that we can do it better
then he can. We need to turn our worries over to
Him. Psalms 37:5 says,
thy way unto the LORD; trust also in Him; and He
shall bring it to pass.”
Beloved we don’t
have to live out our lives with anxious worries,
we can trust in Him because He is TRUSTWORTHY.
God is a good God, and He will drive away our fears.
Then we can say along with Brother David,
and upright is the LORD”
(Psa. 25:8), finding the assurance that we need. We
can follow the psalmist and
and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man
that trusteth in him.”
love for us drives away our fears (1 Jo. 4:18). The
only fear that we should have is what the scriptures
call “the
fear of God”
(Deut. 10:12,20; 13:4), which is an awe and
reverential fear based on our love for Him. To fear
Him in this manner is to love Him, and to rest in
His love for us. And we can then say,
will not fear, though the earth be removed, and
though the mountains be carried into the midst of
the sea; though the waters thereof roar and be
troubled, though the mountains shake with the
swelling thereof.”
(Psa. 46:2).
God is able to sustain us in times of war, famine,
and from evil men. David said that those who trust
in God “shall
be satisfied”
(Psa. 37:19). We will not tremble, nor be shaken.
Even in the middle of the legitimate concerns of
life. We need not quiver with fear and dread. Why?
Because God has promised to sustain us by His power.
He will always be there with us.
Usually when we worry we
worry alone, and the more that we worry, the more
alone and helpless we feel. But as children of God
we are never alone. He said that He will never
us, nor forsake us”
(1 Kings 8:57).
David said that even
my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD
will take me up”
(Psa. 27:10). Have we not at some point in our
lives been afraid when we think about the fact that
we will someday lose the love and companionship of
our loved ones? But God has promised that He will
always be there for us even when they are gone from
this world.
So remember the next time that you find yourself
being overcome by anxious worries, turn to
God and remember that, 1) He is in charge, 2) He can
carry all of your burdens, 3) He can take away your
fears, 4) He can sustain you, and, 5) He will never
leave you alone.
Part 2
“Anxious Thoughts- Trusting Beyond
Many years ago, the Prophet Isaiah was faced by his own fellow
Israelites who had forsaken God, and were even going about to take his
life. And in the midst of all of this the Lord God, whom he worshiped
gave him these words of comfort, “But thou, Israel, art my servant,
Jacob whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham my friend. Thou whom I
have taken from the ends of the earth, and called thee from the chief
men thereof, and said unto thee, Thou art my servant; I have chosen
thee, and not cast thee away. Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not
dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help
thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”
Worries and anxious thoughts often come into our hearts. Joshua also
knew about the Lord’s ever present care for His elect, because He said
to him, “there shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the
days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will
not fail thee, nor forsake thee.
To live in this world we need to have the timely graces of God that help
us to be like these two brothers to be able to trust beyond ourselves.
Looking at Jesus teachings on His mountain sermon He gave us the
antidote for our anxious worrying thoughts (Matthew 6:25-34). I think
that it would be a good idea to go there every time that we feel like we
are being over run by the trials and troubles that cause us to have
He was speaking to those who had come to Him and were by all accounts
religious people looking for the Messiah, but refused to believe when he
arrived. He mentions anxious worry 6 times in 10 verses. He told those
who were following Him how to cope with their fast paced, stressed
filled, materialistic society.
Our Lord Jesus Christ is telling us, “You are filled with anxious worry
because you refuse to live by faith. You’re too concerned about food and
clothing and things.” We worry about the things that God gives us
because He loves us, and will provide our needs.
Jesus is telling His disciples, the one’s who follow after Him, to make
choices to lay up their blessings and treasures in heaven, and not on
this earth. (Matt. 6:19-24). And it seems like most of the time when we
read these words, we said to ourselves, “Oh, sure. If I lived like He
says, and only think about heavenly things, I’d starve to death. After
all a person’s gotta eat, you know.” And Jesus knows how we are, that’s
the reason He starts out by saying, “take no (anxious) thought” (verse
The Lord knows that unless we stop anxiously worrying about the cares
and troubles of the world, we will never be free to store up treasures
in the kingdom of heaven. He tells us that to set around worrying about
the essential needs of life is completely unnecessary. He says, “take no
thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor
yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat,
and the body than raiment?” And really when you stop and think about it
isn’t our body more important than what we put on it?
And “behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they
reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are
ye not much better than they?” and “Consider the lilies of the field,
how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto
you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of
these. Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day
is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe
you, O ye of little faith?” If God takes care of the birds of the air
and even the flowers in the fields, He certainly will take care of His
Jesus is not saying that we don’t have a responsibility to work and
provide for ourselves and our families needs. The Apostle Paul said, in
2 Thess. 3:10, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.” So
our Lord was not teaching us to become passive recipients, but that we
are not to fret, and worry, or become anxious about our needs.
But often we worry about more than the simply essentials of life. We
like to go and be “seen” in the restaurants, have the best looking cars,
live a little better than our neighbors, have bigger house, dress in the
latest fashions, and many other things that the world finds to be of
importance. The world has become so ingrained in us that we worry about
what will happen if we fail to keep up these things.
Jesus is saying to us that all of this worrying is unnecessary. He knows
that it is a real problem for us, but He also knows that it is a
needless one. Your see birds also have to eat, but He says take a look
at them, they don’t gather anything into a barn so that they will be
able to eat tomorrow. He says take a look at the flowers, they don’t
wear any cloths, but they don’t have to worry about that because your
heavenly Father takes care of them. And He says that “That even Solomon
in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.”
The real reason that we worry is identified in Jesus’ words, “O ye of
little faith.” Why do the cares and troubles of the world burden us
down? The answer is that we simply do not trust God. In our heart we
really don’t believe that He is running our world efficiently. Oh yeah,
we can easily say that He is running everything else ok. He controls the
sun, moon and stars in heaven by His power. But maybe He might not be
able to care for us? We’re trusting in ourselves instead of trusting in
God. We’ve take on the responsibility of our future or tried to put it
on our feeble shoulders. Why we can’t possibly trust God in such
important matters.
Jesus says that it is a matter of priorities in our lives. We worry
about food and clothing, instead of the things that are the most
important. “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness,”
and He says that of all “these things shall be added unto you” (verse
33). We are to give all of our priority to God, and living in His
Kingdom Church then we’ll be laying up for ourselves treasures in heaven
“where moth and rust doth not corrupt, and where thieves do not break
through and steal” (verse 19).
Jesus is telling us that when we put Him and His kingdom as priority in
our lives we are making a choice, not a choice that will give us life in
heaven’s realm, but to trust in God rather than ourselves, and our
worries will begin to fade away. Jesus Christ is the only way to peace
in life.
Beloved are you obsessed and overcome with worry about the necessities
of life? “Do I have enough to eat?” “What will I wear?” Do I have a good
enough car?” Is my retirement secure?” Is the world about to end?”
Little Child of God let me assure you that these things aren’t nearly as
important as we think. God will keep His promise to provide for you. Put
your sight on Christ and He’ll take you through the real tough issues of
life, and strengthen your faith when you need it the most.
The Apostle Paul has given us an alternative to anxious worry in
Philippians 4: 6-7, he says that we are to “be careful” or anxious “for
nothing. This is exactly what Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:25. Jesus
tells us why is it worthless for to us to worry, but Paul says that
instead of worrying we are to in “prayer and supplication with
thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of
God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds
through Christ Jesus.”
There are three words used by Paul to describe what we are to be doing
instead of worrying.
1) Prayer. The first word Paul uses is the most common word for talking
to God. If refers to our prayer and worship of God. When we pray, we are
saying that God’s greatness is where we have our trust. And we give Him
all of our adoration, devotion, and respect. Saying that He alone is the
sovereign Lord, and we are bringing Him all of our worries.
2) Supplication. The next word Paul uses to tell us the alternative to
worry is supplication. This word refers to our earnest request, our
desperate cries for help to God, for ourselves and for others.
3) Thanksgiving. The third word describes our prayers that are to
replace our anxious worry is thanksgiving. How many times have we became
so caught up in our worrying that we forgot just how gracious God is to
us? How many times that He has delivered us when we could not see any
way of escape? We fail to see how many times that He has dealt with us
in His grace and mercy and met all of our needs. So when we pray instead
of worry we are removing our burdens from our shoulders and placing them
on His shoulders, after all He is Almighty God. And when we trust Him
with our worries and cares, we can then thank Him who has the power to
do something about them. We can thank Him for being so kind to us, and
for being interested in our problems, and because He answers our
Bring all of your vulnerabilities to Him. When you wake up at night with
feelings of worry about things that are out of your controlpray. And by
his grace teach your heart and mind to stop and redirect all of the
energy from worry, which is destructive, to prayer, which is
constructive. Ask Him for His help, to intercede, to convict, and to
open a door and work out for you what you could never work out for
yourself, because He delights in giving you His grace.
When you feel overwhelmed by what may happen in the futurepray. Tell
Him about those things that are troubling you. Leave them to His
providence. Ask God to provide then move on. Remember God hears and
answers you prayer.
The apostle Peter gives us another alternative to worry in 1 Peter
5:6-7, he says, “Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of
God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him;
for he careth for you.”
There are two steps involved in this process.
1) Accepting the things that we can’t change. Instead of fussing and
worrying about the things that come our way that we have no control
over, we need to accept that these circumstances are a part of our
lives. And don’t try to dictate to God the terms of our happiness. But
humbly accept what we receive from God’s hands.
2) Give all of our worries to God. We should put all of our helpless
feelings of worry into the same all-powerful and capable hands. We need
to trust Him for all of our future needs, because He loved us so much
that He sent His Son to suffer, bleed, and die.
In closing let me say that when we have our minds focused on Jesus,
Satan cannot have a foothold on us in our lives, but when we fail to do
these things then we in effect allow him to rob us of our joy in the
kingdom of God. To do these things and to make them a part of our lives
we will experience the reality of timely salvation. Then we will not
have to drag around a big load of worries, worries that we are too proud
or ashamed to tell anyone else about. Give them to God.
May God bless us to trust in Him and to place all of our trust and
worries on Him in prayer. |